Changing NYC lives through equal access to

youth programs, Functional nutrition, and career mentorship

Bringing scholarships to for profit youth programs that partner with us to bring functional nutrition into their programming.  Easy, interesting, and beneficial.

Dear New York,

We invite you to join our first annual campaign titled “Still Here NYC” for our Enders Project Initiative.

Enders Project’s mission is to bring functional nutrition awareness into local NYC programs, communities, and schools.  Currently working with Kids in the Game Foundation, the Still Here NYC campaign will raise funds for their equal access scholarships to youth programs along with nutrition programming.  Read more by clicking on the link below:

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Our Functional Nutrition/Herbal Medicine Awareness Program

Equiping youth with INTERESTING information for long-term health

We are building a Functional Nutrition/Herbal Medicine Awareness program that will empower our youth to understand their own health at a young age.  Starting with HOW your body is created to function, understanding what to do to improve function, and bringing in whole food and herbal medicine education to impact their future health.

These Nutrition/Herbal Medicine “Chats” take 2-3 minutes at the beginning of sports programs, camps, or after school programs. Fun, interesting, and BENEFICIAL for years to come!


Learning about YARROW TINCTURE


Learning about YARROW TINCTURE

We are building a Functional Nutrition/Herbal Medicine Awareness program that will empower our youth to understand their own health at a young age.  Starting with HOW your body is created to function, understanding what to do to improve function, and bringing in whole food and herbal medicine education to impact their future health.

These Nutrition/Herbal Medicine “Chats” take 2-3 minutes at the beginning of sports programs, camps, or after school programs. Fun, interesting, and BENEFICIAL for years to come!

Our Mentorship Program

Giving our youth exposure to real career paths


Giving our High School youth exposure and opportunity to REAL experience in different fields, like Film & Photography:

-Hands on experience
-Production start to finish
-Filming, editing, content creating
-Opportunity to move on to internship positions


Giving our High School youth exposure and opportunity to REAL experience in different fields like Film & Photography:

-Hands on experience
-Production start to finish
-Filming, editing, content creating
-Opportunity to move on to internship positions

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