A few examples of our fun daily conversations

5 minutes before the start of a program can impact a lifetime of health.  These “Did you know?” conversations are fun discussions to get kids thinking about their health choices and equipping them with knowledge to impact their own future and others around them!

Did you know...

In order for our bodies to digest well and get the greatest amount of nutrients from the food we are eating we need to be focused on our food while we eat. Try not to be distracted by phones, computers,  or reading to allow your mind and body to focus on your food.

More in depth if there is interest:

Your brain focusing on the food allows your body to give the right signals to digest properly.  An example is your body giving the right signals to produce enough acid in your stomach to break down the food into the right form to be ready to go through your intestines.  If it isn’t done right it can prevent the next steps of digestion and miss out on getting certain nutrients from the food as it passes through the body…or even worse cause irritation in your gut (From not being broken down enough in the stomach with the acid) which leads to health issues.  Relax and focus on your food so your body can digest properly, feel good, and give you more energy!

Discussion question:

What are you normally doing while you eat? What can you do differently this week to set yourself up for better digestion to absorb more nutrients from your food?


They don't...

Until someone tells them.

Did you know...

The original marshmallows were made with marshmallow root, which is a plant that has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years?


Around 2,000 BC the Egyptian’s took the sap of the root and mixed it with honey to soothe sore throats, coughs, and to heal wounds!  It was so special they kept it for only the Pharaohs or the gods.


Most marshmallows in the grocery stores today switched the ingredients which then leaves you with no health benefits and are actually really bad for you.


You can still get marshmallow root and make a treat that is GOOD for you with raw honey!  You can use it like the Egyptians did for your sore throat or cough or many of the other health benefits like for your stomach, gut, diarrhea, constipation, and urinary tract.


An easy way to do this is make a tea with the root and enjoy it with raw honey for a special treat for both you and your body!


Did you know...

Did you know Dandelions, yes, those yellow flowers that turn into the “blow a wish” that people call weeds, are actually medicine that has been used for thousands of years?  The entire plant is beneficial.  The root of a dandelion can be made into a tea that actually cleanses your liver which is the organ that cleans your body from toxins.  People also eat the dandelion greens as a salad green which helps you digest because it sends the right messages to your body to make all the right digestive juices it needs!  It is also full of minerals and vitamins.


Note:  Make sure the dandelion you use was not grown in an area sprayed with pesticides and chemicals.  And always be careful of allergies to certain plants.

They are waiting to hear...

We can't wait to tell them!

Did you know...

Eating some healthy fat with your vegetables is actually better for almost everyone!  In order for certain nutrients to be absorbed by your digestive system, fat is needed in that meal. So all those “no fat” salad dressings are most likely NOT the best. (In fact a lot of them cause inflammation in your body.) A healthy fat like olive oil based dressing is not only packed with nutrients but helps you to absorb nutrients from the vegetables and greens you eat with it.  Same for a little REAL butter or olive oil on your vegetables.  You can also add a healthy fat like some avacado.


Eat a little fat with your vegetables and salads and your body will THANK YOU for allowing it to get more energy and health from that meal!


More on fats another day…they are not all created equal!

Did you know...

When you eat you aren’t only feeding yourself but you are also feeding good bacteria living in your gut.  There are actually BILLIONS of bacteria in your gut and they are 1000 times smaller than the tip of a pencil.  They are supposed to be there to help you.


Eating healthy help these good bacteria outnumber bad bacteria and they are able to help you with digesting your food, turning the food you eat into nutrients that your body can use, fight things that try to make you sick, and even effect your moods. (So what you eat can actually effect whether you are in a good or bad mood as the bacteria releases signals to your brain.)


Some examples of foods that your good bacteria like are fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes. The next time you eat these remember they aren’t just for you..they are to feed the good bacteria living inside you to help you!


They get excited to learn it...

Because it is INTERESTING when you tell them the right way!

Did you know...

Elderberries have been used to boost peoples’ immune systems for thousands of years.  There are recent studies showing that taking elderberry can reduce flu and cold symptoms within 24 hours. It has anti viral, anti-inflammatory effects, and is packed with nutrients.  

Just make sure to never eat raw elderberries.  The berries need to be cooked.  You can easily make a tea by simmering the berries in water for 20 minutes and your immune system will THANK YOU.

Did you know...

Prebiotics are sometimes considered to be more beneficial than taking probiotics! Prebiotics aren’t digested but feed the good bacteria that are already in your gut to make THEM flourish.  So by eating foods that are high in prebiotics you boost your probiotics that are hanging out in your gut….THEY need to eat to survive and thrive which makes you healthier as they help you digest your food and pump out some important vitamins for you to give your body energy.

Some prebiotic foods you should include in your diet:

-COOLED rice or COOLED Potatoes….yes you need it to be cold after it is cooked. When rice and potatoes are cooked and then cooled the resistant starch actually increases. This is what is the prebiotic! So eat your leftovers and feed your gut bacteria! Potato salad anyone? 

Other everyday foods that are prebiotics: bananas, asparagus, apples, onions, oatmeal, garlic, wheat bran, beans, split peas, lentils, wild blueberries, spinach, flaxseeds, chia seeds

Some not so every day foods that are prebiotics: Jerusalem artichokes (also called sunchokes), dandelion greens, chicory root, leeks, barley, yacon root.

Guess what else!? Cocoa is a prebiotic…BUT if it has a lot of sugar in it then it defeats the purpose because THAT feeds your bad bacteria!

Eat your prebiotics…feed your good bacteria…YOU NEED IT! It helps prevent disease and encourages good health and boosts your immune system!


They get excited to learn it...

Because it is INTERESTING when you tell them the right way!

Did you know...

Did you know the original marshmallows were made with marshmallow root, which is a plant that is used in herbal medicine for thousands of years?

Around 2,000 BC the Egyptian’s took the sap of the root and mixed it with honey to to soothe sore throats, coughs, and to heal wounds!  It was so special they kept it for only the Pharaohs or the gods.

Most marshmallows on the grocery stores today switched the ingredients which then leaves you with no health benefits and are actually really bad for you.  You can still get marshmallow root and make a treat that is GOOD for you with raw honey!

You can use it like the Egyptian’s did for your sore throat or cough or many of the other health benefits like for your stomach, gut, diarrhea, constipation, and urinary tract.

An easy way to do this is make a tea with the root and enjoy it with raw honey for a special treat for both you and your body!