Who We Are

Our Mission

ENDERS PROJECT provides equal access to well desired youth programs through ENDERS PROJECT EQUAL ACCESS, INC. nonprofit while supplementing these programs with Functional Nutrition/Herbal Medicine awareness and career mentorship.

HOW? We serve low-income and underserved communities by providing our kids with scholarships to participate in desirable programs, classes, and clubs. These programs must agree to bring our Nutrition/Herbal Medicine Chats into their programming and we provide scholarship funds for kids who otherwise would not be able to afford these programs. We also provide targeted career mentorship depending on the age of the youth we serve.

WHY? We know that tackling poverty starts with opportunity, exposure, and mentorship within a trusted environment. We also understand there is a desperate need for Functional Nutrition and Herbal Medicine awareness in our entire youth population that is relatable, relevant, and fun, that will in turn improve the health and ability to focus on their passions and futures.

In 2024, we are focused on growing and diversifying our scholarship program. Our organization will continue to examine, address and close the opportunity gaps that so many of our kids face while bringing health awareness to this generation. . 

ENDERS PROJECT provides equal access to well desired youth programs through ENDERS PROJECT EQUAL ACCESS, INC. Nonprofit while supplementing these programs with Functional Nutrition/Herbal Medicine awareness and career mentorship.

HOW? We serve low-income and underserved communities by providing our kids with scholarships to participate in desirable programs, classes, and clubs. These programs must agree to bring our Nutrition/Herbal Medicine Chats into their programming and we provide scholarship funds for kids who otherwise would not be able to afford these programs. We also provide targeted career mentorship depending on the age of the youth we serve.

WHY? We know that tackling poverty starts with opportunity, exposure, and mentorship within a trusted environment. We also understand there is a desperate need for Functional Nutrition and Herbal Medicine awareness in our entire youth population that is relatable, relevant, and fun, that will in turn improve the health and ability to focus on their passions and futures.

In 2024, we are focused on growing and diversifying our scholarship program. Our organization will continue to examine, address and close the opportunity gaps that so many of our kids face while bringing health awareness to this generation. 

How we make Nutrition interesting for both staff and kids?

Our focus is on educating in a fun, interesting, conversational way, that easily fits into any community programs.  We strive to make these “nutrition” conversations memorable, quick, and  personally health intriguing.  Something that everyone gets excited about!

3 minute conversations that easily fit into an organization’s tight programming.  We give the “Do you know?” topic and allow it to become an interesting, no pressure, kind of conversation for a few minutes.  By the end of the year the staff and youth (or adults) have gained knowledge on FUNCTIONAL Nutrition that will benefit their health in years to come.

Did you know that after a potato cools off it becomes a prebiotic for your gut? It does! The resistant starch builds up as the potato becomes cold...which feeds your good bacteria...WHICH improves immunity and overall health.

One example of a "Did you know?" ...now don't waste your leftover baked potato! That potato becomes medicine for tomorrow!

Check out more of our "Did you knows..."

You know you want to…

Extraordinary Experiences

Exposure can open eyes.  Hope can ignite a dream. Encouragement can make someone believe in what lives within them.

Changing perspective can change lives.

Our Core Values

To raise awareness through grassroots marketing campaigns to bring funding to fulfill our goals of:


Why we are about Functional Health in our youth?

Our nation is failing younger generations in healthcare.  Our system has become a “treat the symptom, not the root cause” approach healthcare that leaves society more sick and epigenetically sets the next generation for a harder path of wellness.

We know by educating this generation with FUNCTIONAL Nutrition, it will change the way our society looks at healthcare both financially and treatment wise.  By teaching youth how food choices impact health and allowing them to understand how their bodies work to prevent disease will bring them to a better understanding on how to take their future health into their own hands.

We are also building a career mentorship program to explore different career paths at a young age to allow them to navigate their own passions along side mentors who can help guide them towards their future dreams.  Exposure is crucial for opportunity and passions to be developed.  This in turn will impact the economic future of our youth which opens up opportunity for healthier lifestyles and communities, which all feeds back into their nutrition.  Food deserts and lack of education is all certain communities know.  We need to tackle both health and career awareness to make a real impact.


    1. How digestion is supposed to work
    2. What can go wrong
    3. Choices that lead to healthy digestion